I wonder if …; oh, indeed! I, myself. We are. We are Turkish. Kayalık Dağlar lekeli ateşi, a. German measles, rubella. Kucakta Seks Ingilizce Tercüme part? To what place?. What for? Parkinson sayrılığı, a. Look erbezi. Look dölyolu. X-ray specialist. Look dizge. Y kromozomu, a. Y chromosome. Jeruselam artichoke. Harf sırasına göre dizilen sözcüklerin yaygın kullanılan ad veya eylem bi- çimi asıl olarak alınmıştır. Bu kök altına sözcüğün önekleri ve sonekleriyle oluşan diğer biçimleri alt başlıklar olarak koyu harflerle sıralanmıştır. Aynı zamanda sözcüğün in- ir- un- vb. Birçok sözcüğün genel anlamının dışında, bileşik sözcükler sıralanmıştır. E American English Amerikan İngilizcesi adj. E British English İngiliz İngilizcesi comp. Latin Latince mod. Modal auxiliary Modal yardımcı eylem n. A argon, adenine, alanine, angstrom, absorbance anlamlarına kısaltma. AA, aa amino acid, aminoacyl an- lamlarına kısaltma. AASH adrenal androgen-stimulating hormone anlamına kısaltma. AAV adeno-associated virus anla- mına kısaltma. AB abv. Ab abv. A-z test gebelik testi; gebe kadının idrarının incelenmesiyle yapılır. C Process ABC işlemi; şap, kum ve odun kullanımıyla su veya kana- lizasyon atıklarının temizlenmesi. Genetic aberrations may involve whole chromosomes or parts of chromosomes. Tempereture, light, and water are abiotic factors that affect living organisms. The abnormal functioning of a part of the body can cause many problems. The rubella virus causes severe abnormalities in a fetus. Chromosome aberrations cause many spontaneous abortions.
Online English Turkish and Multilingual Dictionary 20+ million words and idioms.
kucakta sevişmek ingilizcesi dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. while wearing clothes. let's have sex, let's sleep together. To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. İngilizce - İngilizce. let's make love. English - Turkish DictionaryThalessemia, a blood disorder, ia common in people of greek an Italian ancestory. Some cause only trivial mischief, but others are catastrophic. Anglican Anglikan, Anglikan. Kafkaesque F. What part?
Eş anlamlılar
let's have sex, let's sleep together. commentary tefsir; çıkma haşiye. chamber of commerce ticaret odası. commerce -- ticaret; toplumsal ilişkiler; cinsel ilişki. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. "kucak" metninin İngilizce çevirisi. Ad Sıfat. lap · embrace. İngilizce - İngilizce. domestic commerce iç ticaret. let's make love. while wearing clothes.E British English İngiliz İngilizcesi comp. Arabian Arap, Arap atı. Certain diseases display an atypical mode of inheritance because they result from mutations in mitochondrial DNA. A substantial number of pituitary adenomas generate no detectable hormonal product and are designated null cell adenomas. Although twinning seems to be familial, no definite genetic pattern has been determined. The immature lungs are grossly unexpanded, red, and meaty. When the concentration of water is higher outside a cell membrane than insi- de, the water will enter the cell. Hydrocephalus is treated by implanting a shunt in the skull to drain the excess fluid. White blood cells engulf bacteria, thus preventing many infections. When several points are plotted on a straight line graph, it is possible to extrapolate to obtain additional data. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly within the body. Asia Minor Anadolu. Cellulose makes up plant cell walls. The lack of a specific protein in a cell acts as feedback in the production of additional protein molecule. En üste git. Latin Latince mod. Because she was a good swimmer, she was able to save the child from drowning. Entry into epithelial cell is dependent on an interaction between a bacterial surface and epithelial cell receptors. A number of processes may disturb the normal activity of the endocrine system. The arrangement of haplotypes in each generation produces great variety in a species. Basal cell carcinomas are common, slow-growing tumors that rarely metastasize. İngiltere ve A. The amount of the heat lost from the body is regulated to a large extent by varying the amount. Bu kök altına sözcüğün önekleri ve sonekleriyle oluşan diğer biçimleri alt başlıklar olarak koyu harflerle sıralanmıştır. People should abstain from smoking and drink for health reasons. In the demale, the urinary and generative openings are seperated by the urogenital diaphragm. The descending colon leads downward to the rectum on the left side of the body. Agenesis of the kidney is often associated with many other congenital disorders and leads to early death. The X and Y chromosomes are nonhomologous chromosomes. Chromosomes are equally distributed during cell division, or mitosis. When the stomach and intestines. In dihybrid crosses, two traits are studied at the same time.