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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune- related chronic disease. The disease mainly involves the small joints of the hands and feet, but. The research aims to analyze the differences between male and female employment in Turkey between and.

Background and aims. There is a scarcity of research investigating the relationship between thoracic muscles and bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA -measured muscle mass specifically in older adults. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the association between muscle measurements obtained from chest computed tomography CT scans and BIA in older adults. The retrospective study included outpatients who previously applied to the geriatrics outpatient clinic of a university hospital, who were How To Become An Escort Wakefield with BIA and who had a chest CT for any reason within 3 months before or after the BIA. Cross-sectional muscle area at Th10 and Th12 was obtained from chest CT images. The median age of the 83 patients was At both thoracic vertebrae levels, muscle masses were correlated with muscle mass obtained by BIA in all participants, those with normal handgrip strength, those who were obese and non-obese, and those with normal SMI. It should be noticed that the thoracic muscles will also diminish if muscle mass measured by BIA decreases in older adults. Since BIA offers significant advantages in How To Become An Escort Wakefield of non-invasiveness, portability, cost, time efficiency, ease of use and safety profile it can be a valid alternative to CT scans for thoracic muscle mass measurement. Sarcopenia refers to a syndrome characterized by progressive and widespread loss of muscle mass and strength, leading to various negative health outcomes such as physical impairment, reduced quality of life, and increased mortality 1. The diagnosis of sarcopenia takes into account three key factors: muscle strength, muscle mass and quality, and physical performance. Two techniques commonly used for How To Become An Escort Wakefield muscle mass are bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA and computed tomography CT 2. BIA estimates muscle mass indirectly by measuring the electrical conductivity of the entire body, while also providing information on fat-free mass, total body fluid, and other variables, particularly in individuals without significant fluid and electrolyte disorders 3. CT, considered as the most reliable among non-invasive methods along with magnetic resonance imaging MRIdirectly measures muscle mass and is a reliable assessment tool 4. CT measurements of muscle mass mostly focus on the third lumbar vertebra level 5. However, during the pandemic period, there has been an expanded use of thoracic muscle measurements 6. These measurements encompass all the muscles at the level of the thoracic vertebrae 7. Decreased thoracic muscle mass has been associated with negative health outcomes in individuals with malignancies and those undergoing surgical procedures 89. Previous studies have shown a correlation between thoracic muscle mass, as measured by CT, and whole-body muscle mass determined through BIA 10 However, there is a scarcity of research investigating the relationship between thoracic muscles and BIA-measured muscle mass specifically in older adults. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the correlation between muscle measurements obtained from chest CT scans and BIA in older adults. The study was conducted retrospectively with outpatients who met the inclusion criteria in a university hospital geriatrics outpatient clinic. The inclusion-exclusion process was represented in Figure 1. Computed tomographies were acquired based on clinical indication, not for the purpose of the present study. Age, sex, education, marital status, chronic diseases, medications, neurocognitive and mood disorders, falls, incontinence, activities of daily living, nutritional status, frailty status, handgrip strength, 4-meter gait speed, anthropometric measurements, BIA and computed tomography measurements, and laboratory examinations of the patients were noted. Comprehensive geriatric assessment and anthropometric measurements were performed on the same day as BIA. The coexistence of two or more chronic diseases is known as multimorbidity Weight and height were recorded without shoes and in light clothing. With the use of a tape, the circumferences of the waist and hips were measured at the level of the umbilicus and the broadest region of the buttocks, respectively. When the arm was 90 degrees bent from the elbow, the mid-arm circumference was measured from the midpoint of the acromial and olecranon protrusions. Calf circumference was measured with the foot pushing against a hard surface, from the broadest section of the calf. Handgrip strength was measured with a calibrated hand-held dynamometer T. The highest of these three values was accepted as handgrip strength. Cut-off levels for handgrip strength were defined as 16 kg for females and 27 kg for males To measure walking speed using a digital watch, we asked the patients to walk four meters at their normal pace. Gait speed less than 0. The measures were performed with the patients lying in the supine position; all metal necklaces, rings, watches, etc. Patients were fasting and had an empty bladder. It is derived from the relationship between resistance R and reactance Xc in an electrical circuit that passes a small, safe electric current through the body. Arctan represents the arctangent function 3. The cut-off points for low SMI were taken at Computed tomography scans were acquired on a third-generation dual-source CT scanner Somatom Force, Siemens Healthineers. Scanning parameters were as follows: tube current 50— mAs, tube voltage 70— kV, pitch 3, matrix ×, field of view × mm and slice thickness 3 mm. Reconstruction was performed with a slice thickness of 1 mm. A soft tissue kernel of reconstruction was used on all CT datasets.

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Polis Akademisi Öğretim Üyesi. Mossberger, K. The New York Sun. The diagnosis of sarcopenia takes into account three key factors: muscle strength, muscle mass and quality, and physical performance. Search in Google Scholar 54 Şahin, S.

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The HUDOC database provides access to the case-law of the Court (Grand Chamber, Chamber and Committee judgments and decisions, communicated cases. Correlation between muscle masses measured by chest computed tomography and bioelectrical impedance analysis in older adults. When the diagnosis is used there is often. Öz. This is a case study of a policy initiative that was proposed as a bill to the state of Illinois of the United States of America concerning the banning. In this paper we question the validity of factitious disorder as a meaningful psychiatric diagnosis.

Search in Google Scholar 36 Korkmaz, A. Subsequently, pediatric patients with Pso were referred to pediatric rheumatology outpatient clinic. All CT images were imported into Syngo. Pso is classified according to the pattern of distribution inverse, flexor, and seborrheic , morphology plaque, guttat, erythrodermic, pustular, rupioid, and elephantine and anatomic site scalp, palmoplantar, genital, nail and, anal Pso [ 9 ]. Decreased muscle mass measured at Th12 levels in hospitalized older adults increased the risk of in-hospital death The first stage is preclinical phase which is characterized by aberrant activation of the immune system. Search in Google Scholar 42 Nalbant, F. Search in Google Scholar 70 Yıldız, N. IEEE M. A soft tissue kernel of reconstruction was used on all CT datasets. Various musculoskeletal MSK manifestations, such as peripheral arthritis, enthesitis, dactylitis, and spondylitis, may accompany Pso [ 1 ]. Since there were no normally distributed continuous variables in the data, continuous variables are expressed as median and quartiles 25th and 75th percentiles. Subsequently, all patients and HCs were subjected to articular and entheseal examination. All Pso patients were referred to pediatric rheumatology clinic with a median of 2. Toggle navigation. Journal RSS Feed. Arctan represents the arctangent function 3. Studies have suggested that there are three clinically silent stages in Pso patients before clinical detection of PsA. Search in Google Scholar 54 Şahin, S. A total of 55 pediatric Pso and 46 healthy children were included in the study. Clinical features and Achilles tendon thickness of psoriasis patients according to age groups. Research on the association between thoracic muscles and total muscle mass contributes to advancing knowledge in fields such as respiratory medicine, geriatrics, and rehabilitation sciences. The highest of these three values was accepted as handgrip strength. The Entertainment Software Rating Board uses a collection of seven categories in rating the content of video games. Clinical features and Achilles tendon thickness of Pso patients according to age group are summarized in Table 3.

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