Stadiasmus Patarensis için Parerga 2 Sidyma I. Yeni Yazıtlarla Birlikte Yerleşim Tarihçesi. Abstract: The contribution introduces six inscriptions, from a total of fourteen new inscriptions, providing information concerning the history of the city, its territory, prominent citizens who ob- tained Roman citizenship and the funerary architecture that is peculiar to this city. Before the au- thor introduces 0554 132 0448 Escort inscriptions, he provides the following four items: I urban topography and the monuments on surface, II the history of the settlement, III the Roman citizens before the Constitutio Antoniniana and IV the territory of the city. Accordingly, there is the Hellenistic- Classical fortification wall, the theatre, agora, a Doric-style stoa, which Ti. Claudius Epagathos, the freedman and personal physician of the Emperor Claudius, and his son Ti. Claudius Livianus dedicated to the emperor, a sebasteion dedicated to θεοὶ σωτῆρες Σεβαστοί during the governor- ship of Quintus Veranius, the first 0554 132 0448 Escort of the province. In Sidyma, furthermore there are about one hundred funerary constructions of diverse typologies, built in different periods from 5th century BC to the 5th century AD. The earliest remains of the city date from the Classical Period. The Clas- sical fortification walls must have been strengthened by the 3rdcentury BC, during the Galatian invasions. Sidyma was one of the eighteen cities with the right to mint coins in the 2nd century BC. The city, at the same time, in addition to the rich funerary architecture and the rise of its cit- izens to obtaining the highest posts in the Lycian League from the establishment of the province, experienced its most prosperous age between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, as the existence of citi- zens with a consular career indicates. Sidyma may have played a role in the civil strife which pre- pared the ground for the annexation of Lycia in AD 43, and in consequence experienced this prosperity. The remains of 5 churches-chapels and the fort on the uppermost part of the acropolis indicate the settlement continued into the Byzantine Period. After this, the author introduces the first inscription which concerns the history of the city and which bears the title Divus Augustus. This inscription shows Sidyma participated with the other Lycian cities in expressing its loyalty to Augustus and to associate the city with the new world order. The second inscription in which Plotina Augusta was honoured must have been raised in when Traianus was understood to visit Lycia with his wife on their return from the Parthian campaign. The third is a funerary in- scription that records Hoplon from Kalaba t tia, a harbour settlement connected by road in the reign of Claudius to Sidyma, built this tomb-monument for himself and for his family. The fourth inscription carries evidence of the educational establishments of the city paidonomia and gymnasiarkhiawhile the fifth inscription mentions an association collegium founded by the middle class plebs media to strengthen their social status against the upper class honestiores of the city. The sixth inscription records the presence of a graveyard which contained the family bur- ials of the Claudii and the Caristanii. In addition, this inscription importantly documents a unique example of a temple-tomb from Sidyma which contained a sarcophagus in the cella. Keywords: Lycia, Sidyma, Kalaba t tia, inscriptions, Augustus, collegium. Yüzey araştırması sırasında söz konusu yazıtlardan elli biri yeniden görülmüş; diğerlerinin ise zamanın yıkıcı tahribatına yenik düş- tükleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu makalede yeni yazıtlar içinde kentin siyasi ve sosyal tarihine, teritoryu- muna, Roma vatandaşlık hakkı elde etmiş önde gelen yurttaşlarına ve kentin özgün mezar mimari- sine dair bilgiler veren altısı ele alınacaktır. Kentin buleutai veya demotai zümrelerine dâhil olmakla birlikte, Roma vatandaşı olmayan sakinlerinin onur ve mezar yazıtlarını içeren diğer sekiz yazıt ise kent demografyasıyla birlikte derginin bir sonraki sayısında yayımlanacaktır. Yerleşim alanı yak. Bunun- la birlikte kent adının geçtiği epigrafik 0554 132 0448 Escort ve daha erken dönemlere ait edebi kaynaklar Plin. Σίδυμα; Epiphan. Sidyma hakkında genel olarak bak. Sidyma; Bean, Lycian Turkey ; Beans. Zimmermann, DNP 11,s. Sidyma; Hellenkemper — Hild, Lykien und Pamphylien s. Sidyma; Şahin — Adak, Stadiasmus ; Şahin a, Long, Twelve Gods no. Kalabatia için ayrıca bak. III ve yeni yazıt no. Wurster; Wurster32; krş.
Sidyma I | PDF | Classical Antiquity K tRNA-Ser; tRNA Ser. Skleroderma ilişkisiz ölümlerin tüm ölümlerin %52,4'ünü oluşturduğu bir sistematik derleme ve metanalizde ise 40 çalışmadaki ölüm incelenmiş ve skleroderma. KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko] Genetic Information Processing Translation Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis.Need an account? Scharf, Die Familie des Fl. Köseoğlu, M. Üçgen çatılı mezarlardan birinin alınlığına no. Zahle, Harpyiemonumentet J. Dardaine — Longepierre S.
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